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Unterberg Poetry Center

waiting for a train in

Glenwood Springs, Colorado

and the train is late --

sitting on a bench

by the train tracks

looking at the mountains,

sliced section of earth red

topped by layer of green

with clouds marking blue

beyond. This is what I love --

watching people walk

next to cars and trucks

crisscrossing a bridge

above the train tracks

and rushing river below.

This is what I love -- an older

woman with blonde hair and

sunglasses sitting in the sun

smoking a cigarette and

the little boy who just

fell down on the rat trap

nestled against the wall

beside me. When I went

to say goodbye, my niece

showed me a photo of my

dead mother / her grandmother

that I had never seen before.

I burst into tears. My dog

is dying and my dead

mother looked so young,

so determined sitting in

the cockpit of that plane—

with none of the resignation

I saw in her later years.

I had to say goodbye

and now I am sitting

by the train tracks

waiting for a train and

crying. This life

is what I love.

Dell Lemmon lives in Brooklyn and her poems have appeared in The Straddler, WSQ, Mudfish, PMS (poemmemoirstory), Cross Poetry and Washington Square Review.

Please note that all 92Y regularly scheduled in-person programs are suspended.