Homage to the Salons of Sara Levy: Elizabeth Mann, flute and Mahan Esfahani, harpsichord - The 92nd Street Y, New York

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The Bach-Mendelssohn Connection

Homage to the Salons of Sara Levy: Elizabeth Mann, flute and Mahan Esfahani, harpsichord

Elizabeth Mann and Mahan Esfahani

A performance and talk in the spirit of the music salons of 18th century Berlin
Performances take place in the beautiful, intimate Arader Galleries, 1016 Madison Avenue (between 78th and 79th Streets)

Sara Levy – keyboard virtuoso, patron, student of Bach’s eldest son, great aunt of Felix Mendelssohn, and a critical J.S. Bach revivalist was at the helm of one of the most influential music salons of Enlightenment Berlin. Flutist Elizabeth Mann and harpsichordist Mahan Esfahani reconstruct the rich, inclusive musical spirit of her famed Berlin salons.

  • Mozart, Sonata in C Major, K. 14
  • J.S. Bach, Partita in A Minor, BWV 1013
  • J.C.F. Bach, Sonata No. 6 in E-flat Major
  • W.F. Bach, Flute Sonata in E Minor
  • J.S. Bach, Flute Sonata in A Major, BWV 1032

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Support for 92NY The Bach Mendelssohn Connection is provided by Arader Galleries and The Bertha and Isaac Liberman Foundation, Inc., and Michele Gerber Klein.


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